Riley King

Three Ways Your Insurance Broker Can Help You Choose The Right Commercial Motor Insurance

Insurance is one of the most important things you can have in your business. It protects you from any mistakes or accidents that may happen while carrying out your day-to-day operations. Your commercial motor insurance provides coverage to protect against property damage, liability and bodily injury sustained by third parties as a result of a vehicle accident on public roads. It will also cover any legal expenses incurred if someone decides to sue you for damages.

Agribusiness Investment: Why Livestock Insurance is Necessary for Rural Farmers

Farming is a crucial contributor to the stability of the economy. Most of the food products that the public depends on for survival come from farmers in the rural areas. For instance, livestock is a vital commodity that feeds millions of people globally. For every agribusiness farmer, however, livestock insurance is a necessity for animal protection and profitable business.  If you are raising livestock as a business in the rural areas, here's why it's prudent to consider insuring your investment:  

Important Information About Workers Compensation

Workers compensation refers to insurance which is intended to provide for the replacement of wage as well as added medical benefits to workers who find themselves injured during employment. This is however achieved in a trade, which features mandatory relinquishment with the employees having the freedom to sue the organisation for tort negligence. In various working environments such as construction, dangerous tasks are routine. This, therefore, calls for the protection of the employees while at the same time giving them a voice to get their rights achieved.